What ingredients have I left out? What ingredients have I included that shouldn't be there? Are my portions off the mark? What recipe would you develop to help portray the skills needed to be successful?
My challenge for you is to think about what characteristics you feel are important and come up with your own recipe. Then, come back here and share it with us! This could be a fun little exercise!
Dare I say it? A dash of sarcasm? Or maybe to taste?
Super analogy, Eric.
Great analogy, Eric.
I think your recipe for success should include a Dash of Failure...and all the learning that comes from it!
Erik - "Sarcasm to taste" - I like that. Of course, I've been trying to leave sarcasm out (although I'm probably failing miserably)! Maybe a "small pinch" would do just fine though.
Tom - Thank you for your comments. And, you are right!! "A Dash of Failure" is much needed. Without failure, we wouldn't learn as much, and we wouldn't improve. Great addition to the recip!
Hi Eric - First I love the addition by Tom; what an essential ingredient.
Second I like the fact that these are not "no bake cookies." It is a culmination of ingredients melded together to take on substantially different forms, colors, smells and tastes from their individual parts. And this melding takes time and a little bit of heat. The heat test your boundaries. I once had a manager that said lawsuits and stressful situations build the best managers if they can learn from the situation.
Great Idea with the recipes!
Bob - Thanks for the comments. Tom's addition is much needed isn't it. I love how you took the recipe analogy that extra step to explain the melding and the heat of success! Great additions Bob!
This is brilliant! (I just Twittered it!) You are writing about what I call Habitudes- habits and attitudes of success. Another ingredient needed for success in our ever changing world is adaptability. It is a critical Habitude when the only constant we can count on is change!
Angela - Thank you for your comments! I love the word Habitudes! I think it fits nicely. Also, thank you for spreading the link on twitter. I appreciate it.
You're right! Adaptability is another much needed ingredient. I think there are many times when people (especially leaders) get into a "comfort zone" of always doing things the same. It's something I definitely need to work on. Thank you for bringing that to light!
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