Sunday, December 16, 2007

Another Two “Simple, Yet Powerful Words”

Human nature tells us we need to feel appreciated. We need to be “lifted up.” We need to be praised. Employees need this; friends need this; Co-workers need this; our bosses need this. So, in sticking with my theme, I feel there are two more simple, yet powerful words that can be used: “Good Job” (or Well Done)!

“Good Job” are two more simple words that can be very powerful to a lot of people. Employees/Subordinates/Coworkers/Family/Friends (you name it), need to hear these two words. Of course, I’m not advocating false praise here. You shouldn’t just go around spewing out these two words to anyone and everyone, increasing the chance of dilution. I mean, everyone needs to be lifted up and appreciated, but not when the praise is undeserving.

On the contrary, the receiver of these words needs to truly be deserving of them. When someone has done something well, then you need to acknowledge that job well done. It’s really about accountability, isn’t it? So many managers and leaders today do a great job of holding others accountable when a mistake happens, or something goes wrong and fails. But, I say we need to be equally good at holding others accountable when something goes right; or when success happens. In fact, I would say that it is more important to hold others accountable for their successes by sharing these two simple, yet powerful words than it is for their mistakes.

I’ve seen leaders throughout my life who constantly harp, constantly criticize. They’re always looking for the negatives, the improvements. Trust me, I’m a perfectionist. I’m constantly analyzing my accomplishments and how I can improve upon them. However, when it comes to other’s accomplishments, I am willing to leave a job well done, at just that! “Good Job!” If there’s room for improvement, maybe as leaders we should save that conversation for another time and let the person bask in his/her accomplishment and praise.

But of course, I’m just one man; one idea; one opinion. I want to know what you think! Is it just as important to share the “Good Jobs” as it is the mistakes? What are your thoughts?
Other Posts in the Two Simple, Yet Powerful Words series:

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