Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Well, Christmas has come and gone with a snap of the fingers. All of the holiday shopping, the Christmas movie watching, and Santa Clausing has been here....and now gone.

It was a hectic time of year for many (myself included), as plans were made with relatives and friends. Travel was abundant. The snow was abundant (especially here in Iowa, which is welcome since we haven't had a "white Christmas" for a few years)! It was a crazy time indeed (for my family)...........but a good "crazy!"

Time was definitely precious the last few days, as we traveled to and from various family's homes. But, it was amazing as well, spending quality time with relatives, friends, and especially our kids! It was awesome to see how our toddler's eyes lit up when she realized that Santa had eaten the cookies, and drank the milk that she left out for him. It may not sound so amazing to you, but when my wife and I realized that the most exciting part of Christmas to her was giving (giving Santa cookies) over getting spoiled with gifts, we knew that she understood what Christmas was all about. It was also awesome to see our 6 month old baby's eyes light up as she opened her first present on her very first Christmas!

I know the memories will be plenty from this year's Christmas celebration with family, but more importantly than that was for me and my family to remember the true celebration of Christmas: the birth of Jesus. If you are wanting to know more about the true meaning of Christmas (for Christians anyway), you have to check out this post by Robert Hruzek

So, from my family to all of yours: We hope you had a great Christmas and we wish you a magical 2008! Don't forget to take a step back, inhale deeply, and enjoy this holiday season. And, may God bless all of you in the upcoming year!


Robert Hruzek said...

Thanks for the link, Eric!

Merry Christmas and have a blessed New Year!

Eric Peterson said...

Thank you for that great post...It made it easy to link to ;)

I wish your family a happy new year as well!