Thursday, September 16, 2010

Leadership Mission Possible: Helping Others

I've been on a mission here lately.  It's a mission to help my sister and her fiance raise money to cover medical expenses for the fiance's battle with brain cancer.  It's a personal mission.  It's a leadership mission.  It's a helping others mission.

It got me thinking about leadership.  Isn't leadership all about helping others?  To me, true leadership is about taking those around you and helping them become more successful than yourself.  This mission I'm currently on, is using my leadership skills to help organize an amazing benefit fundraiser to help raise money for a very deserving family.  It's about helping others.  It's an easy mission for me because it's personal.  It touches home.  It's going to benefit someone I feel very dearly about.  I'm passionate about it.

So the internal question for me is:  Would I do this if it wasn't so personal?  If not, then am I truly being a leader?  I hope my answer to the first question is "Of course", although it's probably closer to "Maybe".  Something, as a leader, I may need to work on. So, what missions have you been on?  How are you lifting others up?

Note: If you are interested in learning a little more about Jesse's (the fiance) battle with brain cancer, please check out Jesse Haworth Benefit .  Also, please take a look at the flyer below.  And, if you are in central Iowa on Oct 2nd, please think about attending a wonderful pancake breakfast.  If you feel called to donate to help the family, Donations can be sent to the following:

Jesse Haworth Benefit
Hills Bank
1401 S. Gilbert St
Iowa City, IA 52240

Please make checks payable to "Jesse Haworth Benefit"

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